Saturday, March 21, 2009

Call People on Their "Stuff"

Silence = Permission

Each time we allow behavior that upsets us to continue, we are giving implicit permission for that behavior to continue. We have to confront individuals when they are violating our rights.

Three Step Confrontation Formula
Step 1. I "feel" (pick an emotion like upset, confused, angry)
Step 2. When you (describe the behavior; don't judge, just describe)
Step 3. Because (explain the consequences of the behavior)

I get upset when you interrupt me when I'm speaking because I lose my train of thought and often have to start over.

I'm uncomfortable when you stand behind me when I'm working because I make more mistakes when I feel like I'm being watched.

It's rude to interrupt me when I'm speaking. "Rude" is an interpretation/judgment of the behavior.

Don't be so impatient. I'll bring the report to you when it's finished. Again, "impatient" is a judgment of the behavior.

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